Every member goes through the process of both being a student, learning to respect the five elements,and a teacher, teaching
a new member the same things they were taught. Each of the teachers (six in total) will hold a seat on the council. Where
they will determine if the parameters of each of the students tests will be changed, and make declarations of events happening
as declared by the higher members. After the student of each council member has passed their test and takes their seat on
the council, they are officially a member of The Order. Once a member they can choose a specific path to walk (light or dark),
then a sub-path (fire, water, earth, air, spirit) if they choose. The system is very alike to a hierarchy, but even the highest
members of the order will treat everyone with respect. In order to encourage a system of trust and a sense of family, each
of the different paths represent different areas the community as a whole. Just as each of the elements make up our daily
lives. (If you don't believe me then just think about it for a second.)
The Priest and Priestess are responsible for the public relations of the Order, and maintaining the structure within.
They are the figurehead of the order, and take the lead in most rituals. The Shaman maintains the spiritual needs of
the community, if someone is having an issue of faith, or in need of guidance the Shaman is the one that they generally seek.
The Lord and Lady of Day and the Lord and Lady of Night are responsible for the members who have chosen not to follow
a "sub-path" The Lord and Lady of Day will watch over those that walk the path of "light" just as the Lord and Lady of Night
will watch over those who walk the path of "darkness"